
Sometimes, people get married not because they're in love. 
They're couples who only have same future dream and decide to get happy live.

(a pre-novel. Klik to read!)

ps: I try to write a novel again. Hope I can finish it :D

Love is real, real is love. -John Lennon-


Hans Febrian said…
ih, yang udah mau nikah, hahaha
Rhein Fathia said…
hahahaha... salah terkaaaa,,,

Well..well.. it will be a kind of very long posting to describing love. And still not enough.. :D
Tukang Gosip said…
waduh bahaca ingglis... nggak mau komental ah, mendingan ke TKP...
achie said…
lanjutkan perjuanganmu nakkk!!! aku menunggu bab2 selanjutnya :p
langkah fie said…
satu buku, 2 buku, atau serial yang tak akan pernah habis dibaca itu cinta yah? hehehe :P

semangat buat buku barunya yah Rhein. *kamubenarbenarmembuatkuiri* :)

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