
Showing posts from June, 2011

Busy Month and Lovely Sister!

What a busy month! I have deadline and must finish 3 books that will publish in early July. As an editor, I handle 3 cooking recipes books on June because they must publish before Ramadhan and Idul Fitri come. Alhamdulillah.. 2 books already finish, ready to publish, and will be available on bookstores as soon as possible. Horaaayy! If you love cooking and love to try new recipes, please buy some of my books... Hehehe... :D Here they are: Recipes of Indonesian Foods This kind of two books content recipes of Indonesian foods that you can cook daily. Easy to cook and of course delicious! Hohoho.. Other book is about Italian Food that have not ready to publish yet... But I will finish it as soon as possible! Next story is about my sister, Furky Syahroni. Finally, she goes home after have game match in Dutch and Ceko. She and her team WON the Prague Softball Week 2011, Ceko. Horraaayy... They got bronze. For complete stories, you can click here:

Backpacking & Birthday!

Tim Bosscha Akhirnya, beberapa hari lalu Rhein bisa menyempatkan diri untuk pergi backpacking. Meski nggak jauh-jauh sih, cuma ke Bandung, itu pun pake ransel bukan backpack *namanya ranseling dunk?* . Meski deket dan cuma sebentar, tapi cukup menyalurkan hasrat *halah bahasanya* jalan-jalan dan menghilangkan jenuh terhadap rutinitas. Apalagi backpacking kali ini cukup spesial buat Rhein. Biasanya, Rhein cabut sendirian, terus ketemu temen-temen baru. Kali ini Rhein ajak beberapa teman dari komunitas yang beda-beda, dan ternyata... SERUUUU BANGEETTT!! Ada temen kampus, temen kantor lama, temen HAAJ, dan si pacar pun ikut pastinya.  Hehe... :D  bukan Power Ranger Acara utama kali ini adalah kunjungan malam ke Observaorium Bosscha. Hohoho.. Karena Bosscha ini jarang banget buka untuk kunjungan malam, Rhein khusus udah pesan tempat sejak 3 bulan sebelumnya. Apalagi peserta dibatasi, jadilah kami 8 orang berangkat bareng2 dari Gambir, Jakarta. Naik kereta api... tuutt...tuutt....