
Showing posts from November, 2019

You'll be Missed, Mele

It brokes my heart so bad when my Mom called and told me that he was gone forever. Then, I cried for hours. He came to our house years ago and made us fell in love effortlessly. He was an active cat and love to play, so we never really made him stay at home. He always came at day, played with us, asked for food, and when we're going to sleep, he will just went out. Maybe played with other cats in neighborhood or tried to catch mice. He hated being trapped. Sometimes he gave us his hunting prey as gift; mice, lizard, or cockroach. Some said that cat is smart animal and they saw human as other creature at the same level with them. So yeah, as he became our family member, sometimes we had hard time. When he was in badmood because Mom accidentally stepped on his tail, or when he was angry and scratched me because I postponed his lunch (he need diet, he was too fat back then), or when he was just go away from home because we're all too busy with work and didn't pay at...

Ada Sedih Ada Senang

Beberapa hal tidak berjalan sesuai keinginan. Nilai UTS tidak terlalu memuaskan. Kuliah di jurusan yang banting setir dari studi sebelumnya membuat saya menyadari harus belajar lebih ekstra (kalau belajar fisika lagi ya nggak mau juga sih) . Persiapan UTS sudah dari jauh-jauh hari, ke perpustakaan untuk belajar bahkan saat long weekend, mengerjakan latihan soal, tanya jawab dengan teman, begadang itu sudah pasti, dll. Hasilnya masih tidak sesuai harapan. Ada banyak excuses berbisik di telinga; teman yang lain juga nilainya ga bagus-bagus amat, mungkin kamu nervous karena menghadapi ujian dunia akademis lagi setelah sekian tahun, waktu 30 menit kadang bikin otak blank, dsb dsb. But no, I could do better. I should study harder and do better next time. Saya masih belum dapat kerja part-time. Untuk hal ini, saya agak nekad karena hanya fokus mencari karir di bidang bisnis atau finance & accounting, dimana saya minim pengalaman. Alasannya tentu agar bisa mengaplikasikan lan...